Social Media in the Classroom

If educators are going to use Social Media as an Educational tool, then I believe it is imperative they educate themselves on the risks and benefits of social media, just as they would educate their students. When used appropriately, Social media platforms are a great way to communicate with students, parents, other educators and build upon your digital portfolio. I am a firm believer in “practicing what you preach” and therefore if you have expectations regarding social media use for your students, you should also have them for yourself.
Students are being exposed to technology and social media at a much younger age then in the past and therefore it is very important to continuously review classroom expectations and school policies. I would co-construct classroom expectations/contract with my students and within this contract would include expectations for appropriate use of technology. If students are not able to follow these rules, I would follow progressive discipline (i.e. sitting down with the student one-on-one, involving their parent or guardian, taking away privileges, involving the administration, and so on. Educators can use Social Media platforms and encourage the use of Social Media to foster skills such as collaboration, creativity and innovation. Whether using social media in a class or not, I think it’s still very important that educators use their position to educate students on the benefits of risk factors of online communication. From an early age, we should be informing students that they can be held accountable for their online posts in the future. This corresponds to students using Social Media Platforms to “promote themselves.” For example, as students get older they may change the content being posted on their Social Media to include academic achievements, clubs, sports accomplishments, etc. to aid their success in getting a job or into postsecondary education.
I think it’s important to remember that everyone has their own perspective and opinion regarding the use of social media. However, as educators, we are called to adapt to this fast-paced, technologically driven society. If we are promoting skills such as innovation, creativity, collaboration and imagination we should be leading by example. Although I am new to Twitter, I do have experience with Social Media Platforms and I am excited to add Twitter to my list as an educational tool. Click here to check out my twitter!
Miss G
Miss G
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