Inspirational Educators
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Stephen is a South Bronx educator in New York and is very passionate about project-based learning. Founder of the Green Bronx machine, he is responsible for creating the first edible classroom, which has evolved into the National Health, Wellness and Learning Center. Stephen’s extended students and community families have grown over 85,000 pounds of vegetables in the Bronx. He believes, “kids should not have to leave their community to live, learn and earn a better one.”
Andria teaches at Alperton Community School in Brent, United Kingdom. Brent is one of the most diverse places in the country as up to 130 languages are spoken in schools. She was the 2018 Global Teacher Prize winner. She is known for building trust and positive relationships with her students before focusing on curriculum content.
Marcie is a coordinator and Junior Division Homeroom teacher at Ridley College in St. Catharines, Ontario. Marcie was featured in Professionally Speaking in 2016 for “Taking Tech to the Next level.” Marcie’s work has been recognized for being innovative and she has shared her work with others at conferences.
Stephen Ritz is inspiring because he sought out to teach in a tough neighbourhood with students who have many exceptionalities, ESL, from low SES homes, have criminal records and he didn't give up on them. His Green Machine project, teaches students 21st century skills and demonstrates the positive impact of a caring teacher and nurturing environment. Stephen has inspired students so greatly, that he has moved the daily attendance from 40% to 93% and helped partner to get 2,200 youth jobs.
Andria is inspiring because of her commitment to relationships. She is dedicated to making her students feel accepted and included. To connect with her students on a personal level, she learned basic greetings in about 35 different languages. She reaches marginalized students as well as their parents. She takes the time to get to know the students on a personal level and visits their homes to gain an understanding of their personal lives.
Marcie is inspiring because she believes in the importance of preparing students to recognize themselves as citizens of knowledge, developing relationships, respect and responsibility with information. She is a firm believer in inquiry-based learning and providing students with a supportive environment that allows for innovation and creativity.
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